Download Mako Server for Microsoft Windows

The Mako Server for Windows enables developers to quickly test the server on a familiar operating system while providing a fast and easy-to-use application server.

  1. Download Mako Server for Windows (
  2. Start the self-extracting ZIP file
  3. Read the included readme file and the getting started guide

See the reference manual, section command line, for how to start the server as a Windows Service.

If you cannot download the self-extracting ZIP file or if you prefer to build the source code, do as follows:

  1. Run the following commands:
    git clone git clone cd BAS-Resources\build mako.cmd copy ..\..\BAS\examples\MakoServer\
  2. Download SQLite amalgation and copy sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h to BAS\src\
  3. Open BAS\examples\MakoServer\VcMake\mako.sln using Visual Studio and build the project
  4. The two Mako files, and mako.exe should now be in BAS\examples\MakoServer